Getting More Instagram Followers for Bloggers

Hailey feldman How to Grow Your Brand on Social Media.png

You don't have to be a social media expert to make an impact on the internet. Follow the tips in this article and you'll be more than equipped to build your brand on social media.

Know Your Influencers.

The best way to grow your following is by finding influencers within your industry. Look online for people who are already successful on social media, but may not be what you're looking for on Instagram or Facebook. These people can help you create content that will stand out on their platforms, while still keeping it relevant to your niche.

Add Value To Your Instagram And Facebook Accounts.

You can't expect to get followers without adding any value at all. Before you start posting, consider how many followers you already have and what topics of interest they show off. If you're new to Instagram or Facebook, then take some time to research what kind of content will get the most engagement. Your goal is to be vague about what it is that you do, but provide enough detail about what sets you apart from others in your field so that people will want more of it. Once the right hashtags are discovered, post regularly; this will help you attract more followers.

Add A Call To Action (CTA).

This is extremely important when using social media as a marketing tool because it goes hand-in-hand with creating value and increasing engagement with your audience. A CTA will remind them that there's something else they must do before moving forward; this could be anything from sharing your image/video/information/idea to downloading an app or buying a product that can help them improve their lives and make their lives easier/more fulfilling/more enjoyable and so much more! They must continue scrolling down and clicking "like" or "share" before moving onto another post or website! By doing this, you'll see a steady increase in engagement and interactions with your posts – creating an engaged audience.

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Content Marketing.

If you want to attract more followers on social media, the first step is to make sure you are posting interesting content. If you don’t post compelling content, your audience will stop following you. The next step is to make sure that the people who are following you are people that are interested in what you’re posting. You want them to be engaged with your content and actively interacting with your brand.

While it’s important to have a solid social media strategy, having a solid social media marketing strategy can also help increase your social presence. Some of the best ways to do this include:

Content Marketing – Create useful information for your audience about how they can benefit from reading or following you on social media. Create useful information for your audience about how they can benefit from reading or following you on social media.

Social Media Management – Using tools like Hootsuite or Buffer, you can integrate all of the different social media accounts that are important for your brand or business into one space where people can see and engage with all of them at once. This is great for scheduling and monitoring multiple social media accounts simultaneously and ensuring that they stay up-to-date with all of the new updates and content that is being posted frequently.

Content Creation – If you have a blog or website offering valuable information to your audience, share it with them through social channels as well as other sources such as email blasts and newsletters. This gives them another way to receive valuable information from you and makes it

Wrapping Up.

While the right social media strategy can help you attract new customers, it can also attract news and content from other sources. Here are a few tips to make sure your brand is the only one that gets out there:

  1. Don’t Post Just to Post. Do not overload your social media pages with too much information. You can't take it all in at once. Instead of posting every day, post only when it's relevant for your brand.

  2. Hashtags. Use hashtags. Hashtags are a great way to get extra exposure on social media outlets. By including a hashtag in a post, you will get more exposure and be able to find your audience more easily.

  3. Communicate. Social media is a great way to get in touch with customers and build relationships with them. When you have a conversation with them, it builds loyalty and helps build brand awareness.

  4. Find Great Images. Use images when possible because they're easier to share and can draw in more attention than text-based posts.

    1. I recommend the tool, Twenty20, to help you find the best images.

  5. Links. Make sure your posts include links back to your website or other pages on your site that can help people to learn more about you and why they should care about you. Keeping everything in one place will make life easier for your audience and keep things organized for you as well.

  6. Acknowledge & Be Grateful. When followers share your content, respond by thanking them and letting them know how much you appreciate their following you on social media outlets. This will help them feel like they matter and encourage them to continue following you on future posts to receive more of the same kind of appreciation from you.

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